The new Spring 2004 Chinese Wireless Development Survey from market researcher, Evans Data Corporation, reveals the unique measures taken by Chinese wireless developers to secure wireless systems.
The survey found that Chinese developers were most likely to use Digital signatures (14%), WAP 2.0 security (13%), and User authentication/Password protection (11%0. Contrast those findings with the most likely security mechanisms to be used by developers in Evans' Spring 2004 Worldwide Wireless Development Survey: SSL connections (14%), Public Key Infrastructure (13%) and Virtual Private Networks (11%).
Other findings from the March 2004 survey of more than 600 developers in China working on wireless development:
– Chinese Wireless developers are almost 3 times more likely to have already released RFID technology than developers in Evans' Spring 2004 Worldwide Wireless Development Survey and 56% of Chinese wireless developers expect to deploy RFID within the next two years compared to 36%.
– Developers in China working on wireless applications expect to mobilize more users sooner with almost 40% expecting to mobilize 1-10 end users in the next six months, compared to 20% of global wireless development. Further, 10% of Chinese wireless developers expect to mobilize more than 10,000 users within the next six months compared to 6% in the Wireless Development Survey.