China Mobile will open a Europe, Middle East and Africa headquarters in London to provide service to overseas Chinese. In addition, the company also plans to build virtual mobile networks in Europe.
According to foreign media, Henry Ge, chief representative of China Mobile in Britain, says that China Mobile will mainly focus on three major sectors of the burgeoning market, overseas Chinese clients who want to keep in touch with China and the short-term visitors, including business travelers and the increasing Chinese tourists.
The establishment of China's Europe, Middle East and Africa headquarters is said to be part of Chinese government's policy to encourage Chinese enterprises to make investments in foreign countries. In November 2007, China Netcom set up its European headquarters in London.
Henry Ge says that it may take China Mobile as long as five years to realize self growth. He expressed his hope of cooperating with partners with strong network capacity. However, he adds that China Mobile won't acquire a British company to obtain a license for operating in Britain.