Guangdong Bureau of Quality and Technical Supervision has released a report on a special audit of DVD players in Guangdong Province and the overall pass rate was only 42.9%.
The supervision bureau says that large-scale DVD player manufacturers in Guangdong are mainly famous brands and inspection-free companies and the quality of their products are relatively reliable, so the spot checked mainly focused on small and medium-sized companies.
In this spot check, the supervision bureau checked 84 groups of DVD players produced by 81 companies across the province. The result shows that the pass rate of DVD players produced by large companies was 100% while that of small and medium-sized companies was only 39.2%.
The main quality problems of these substandard DVD players are the safety and the electromagnetic compatibility. Products that are substandard in electromagnetic compatibility will disturb the normal work of surrounding electronic equipment. Of these 84 groups of DVD players, 46 batches failed to meet the safety check; 31 batches were unqualified in their electric shock resistant structure; and 20 batches were unqualified in the electric space provided internally.