Chinese anti-virus software provider Rising has announced that its first Internet client product, Rising security browser, has started beta tests.
A representative from Rising has confirmed the news and said the security browser features security, fast speed, and personalization. It reportedly has the most complete malware address base and the most advanced cloud security engine in China. Those features can effectively prevent virus attacks, hackings, and Internet fraud.
An insider revealed that Rising has started its transformation to an enterprise-level Internet company and it will focus on the development of enterprise security products in the future. Meanwhile, the company will continue to improve its technical advantages in individual-level products to further distribute its Internet products and expand value-added services. While maintaining a large user group and increasing the activeness of users, Rising wants to seek new profit models.
Prior to this, Rising launched several other Internet products, including security for games, security website navigation, and group buying navigation protection. Though it keeps a low profile, its intention for Internet distribution is obvious. With the launch of the security browser product, Rising has now made a further step in its transformation from a software company to a full Internet company.
To better promote its new browser product, Rising said it will provide awards to users participate in the beta tests and those who report major bugs during the tests.