China gaming bonds took another strike on Thursday, as a second government-linked media opening came out overhanging opposite a industry. Shares of Tencent [700, -3.90%](/investing/stock/700?countryCode=HKmod=MW_story_quote) , NetEase [9999,] -3.76% and XD [2400,] -2.12% mislaid around 3% each. Those bonds took a tough strike during a start of a week after a Economic Information Daily, that has links to state-controlled news group Xinhua, [reportedly likened them] to “spiritual opium” for a nation’s dependant teens [.] U.S. listed shares of NetEase [NTES, -6.11%](/investing/stock/NTES?mod=MW_story_quote) fell 4%, while Tencent’s song arm, [TME,] -1.97% fell modestly. The Hong Kong-listed shares are down from 8% to...