Telecom Communications, Inc. announced recently that its recent acquisition, IC Star East MMS, Limited and "The Father of Concerts" – Abba Entertainment Group Limited, together with Guangdong Performing Arts Company and Xinhua Enterprise Communication Company, Limited, a division of Xinhua News Agency in Hong Kong and Macao, will hold the King of Stars Grand Concert on December 12, 2003, at Tianhe Stadium in Guangzhou City.
For the first time, StarEastNet will show some of the best clips of the concert on the Internet, as well as process ticket reservations through mobile phone short messages. All fans can communicate with star singers through short messages service both inside and outside of the concert.
The coordinated concert sponsors plan to hold over 30 concerts in China's major metropolis in 2004. For each concert, the estimated average number of audience members will be 40,000. Outside of each concert there will be more than 2 million people participating through short messages and the Internet. Some of these concerts will be televised live in China with a potential viewership of over 200 million people. is the Chinese official designated Web site for these concerts. For more information, please visit