Hitachi Cable has obtained the networking certification, the authorization granted by the government allowing a company to deliver products for the public telecommunications network in China.
As a result, it has begun a full-fledged expansion of sales of information network devices such as transmission devices and switches within the Chinese market.
In 2003, Hitachi Cable began sales of network devices outside of Japan, and since then has achieved sales in the United States, the United Kingdom, South Korea, Thailand, and elsewhere. In the Chinese market Hitachi Cable has succeeded in receiving orders for transmission device from CERNET (China Education & Research NETwork) as well as orders for Apresia for use in pharmaceutical company LAN networks.
In addition, Hitachi Cable has been moving ahead with the procedures necessary for obtaining the networking certification required to deliver products to telecommunications providers. Since the company has obtained this networking certification, authorization from the government to deliver products for the public telecommunications network in China, it will now begin full-fledged sales to telecommunications providers in addition to its corporate and other sales efforts.