A new report states that while Chinese mobile apps have benefited from increased revenues in Apple's App Store, apps in Norway earn far more per download.
Hong Kong-based analytics and market intelligence firm App Annie has issued a new report called "Rise of the Planet of the Apps" that claims apps in Norway earn nine times more per download than apps in China. In a global comparison of average revenue per app downloaded, Norway is tops at at USD0.37 per download, nine times more than China.
App Annie says there is only a loose correlation between GDP per capita and money spent per download by country. Factors such as smartphone penetration and local currency billing are more important.
The report also reportedly states that the top grossing app in the United States in 2011 generated almost ten times the revenue of the top grossing app in China.
But according to the report, app store growth in China also appears good. Overall growth in China last year was 300%, and revenue 180%, outstripping the growth of all other major app store markets.