Midway through trading Thursday, the Dow traded up 1.04% to 35,392.40 while the NASDAQ rose 1.59% to 14,568.72. The S&P also rose, gaining, 1.20% to 4,587.08. The U.S. has the highest number of coronavirus cases and deaths in the world, reporting a total of 69,808,350 cases with around 880,970 deaths. India confirmed a total of at least 38,218,770 cases and 487,710 deaths, while Brazil reported over 23,420,860 COVID-19 cases with 621,920 deaths. In total, there were at least 339,709,660 cases of COVID-19 worldwide with more than 5,584,780 deaths. Also check out these big insider trades here Leading and Lagging Sectors...